
Shopify SEO: Quick Tips to Boost Your Store's Rankings

Michael Costin

It's no secret that having a strong online presence is vital for businesses these days, and Shopify is an excellent platform for setting up your e-commerce store. But having a great store is just the first step – ensuring your customers can find it easily on search engines is crucial for success. That's where Shopify SEO (Search Engine Optimization) comes in. By implementing SEO strategies tailored to your Shopify store, you can increase your store's visibility in search results, attract more potential customers and ultimately boost your sales.

Shopify SEO involves various techniques to enhance your store's ranking on search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo. These can include optimising your site structure, improving URL structure, adding keywords and high-quality content, and ensuring that your images are properly tagged. Shopify also offers built-in SEO tools for simplifying the process and making your store search engine friendly.

Don't worry if you're new to the world of SEO – many of these techniques are accessible and you can make meaningful improvements to your Shopify store even without prior experience. With some knowledge, persistence and a bit of experimentation, you'll be well on your way to driving more traffic and making your online store even more successful.

Understanding Shopify SEO

Shopify SEO refers to the specific search engine optimization (SEO) strategies and techniques used to improve the visibility of a Shopify store in search engine results pages (SERPs). Just like standard SEO practices, the goal is to increase organic traffic and attract potential customers.

Although Shopify stores come with some useful SEO features, it's essential to enhance them in order to generate more traffic. Here's a brief guide to help you understand how to optimize your Shopify store for search engines.

First off, think of keywords. It's important to identify the right keywords relevant to your products and target audience. To achieve this, conduct thorough keyword research and incorporate those keywords into your store's content, including product descriptions, titles, and meta tags. Remember not to overstuff your content with keywords; instead, use them naturally to create a user-friendly experience.

One often overlooked aspect of Shopify SEO is the site structure. Organizing your store's content in a clear and logical manner can immensely benefit SEO. This can be done by:

  • Categorising your products appropriately.
  • Creating a comprehensive navigation menu.
  • Interlinking related pages to create an interconnected web of content.

Another key element of SEO strategy is optimising images. Large, unoptimized images can slow down your site and affect your search engine rankings. Ensure that your images are properly compressed and scaled without compromising quality. Additionally, add descriptive alt tags to your images, as they provide context to search engines and improve accessibility.

Unique and engaging content is the backbone of any effective SEO strategy. Whether you're crafting product descriptions or writing blog posts, focus on providing value to your customers by making your content informative, helpful, and relevant. Regularly updating your store with fresh content can signal to search engines that your site is active and valuable to users.

Lastly, don't forget to implement technical SEO aspects. These include setting up your preferred domain, submitting your sitemap to search engines, and making use of the robots.txt file to guide search engine crawlers.

By following these Shopify SEO best practices, you can help your online store achieve better visibility on search engine results pages, ultimately attracting more potential customers to your website.

Key Elements For Shopify SEO

When it comes to optimising your Shopify store, there are a few key elements you should pay attention to. Understanding and applying these SEO techniques will make a significant difference in improving your store's visibility on search engines:

  • Keyword Research: Start by finding the right keywords to target. Make sure to focus on untapped and high-volume keywords that are relevant to your products and audience. Using tools like Google Keyword Planner or Ubersuggest can help you with this process.
  • Title Tags & Meta Descriptions: Optimise your title tags and meta descriptions to include your target keywords. These elements should effectively describe your store's content and encourage users to click on your site. Maintain a balance between readability and keyword usage.
  • Image Alt Text: Don't forget to add descriptive alt text to your images, which should also include your target keywords. This not only improves the accessibility of your site but also provides additional opportunities for search engines to understand your content.
  • Canonical Tags: Make use of canonical tags to avoid duplicate content issues. This tag helps search engines know which version of a page should be considered the original, thus preventing any penalty for duplicate content.
  • Sitemap & Robots.txt: Submit a sitemap to search engines and create a robots.txt file to guide search engine crawlers. For Shopify, you can use the robots.txt.liquid template to customise your file. These elements help search engines understand your site structure and index your store appropriately.

By focusing on these key elements, you'll set your Shopify store up for SEO success. Remember to consistently monitor and adjust your strategy as needed, taking into account any updates in search engine algorithms and trends within your market.

Shopify Store Structure and Navigation

When setting up your Shopify store, it's essential to consider the site structure and navigation to improve both user experience and search engine optimisation (SEO). In this section, we'll cover tips on creating a well-organised Shopify store with a strategic internal linking structure.

Firstly, let's talk about URLs. Keep your URLs simple, descriptive, and to the point. Use hyphens to separate words and avoid using special characters. This helps users and search engines understand what to expect from a page. For example:

Now, let's discuss your site structure. When organising your Shopify store, follow a logical hierarchy. Start with broader categories and narrow down to specific products. This approach will help users navigate your store easily and find what they're looking for. Here's an example:

  • Home
  • Men's
  • Clothing
  • Shirts
  • Trousers
  • Jackets
  • Footwear
  • Women's
  • Clothing
  • Footwear
  • Accessories
  • Bags
  • Sunglasses

Internal links play a crucial role in your store's navigation and SEO. They help users move between pages effortlessly, encourage them to explore your store, and make it easier for search engines to crawl and index your site. Here are some tips on internal linking:

  • Link to relevant products and collections within your product descriptions and blog posts.
  • Use anchor text that accurately describes the linked content to aid user engagement and search engine understanding.

Pay attention to your navigation menus. These should be clear, concise, and easy to use. Most Shopify themes come with a built-in main menu, and some also offer secondary menus for extra navigation. Make the most of these menus by organising them in a way that is user-friendly and intuitive. For instance, having a drop-down menu for 'Shop by Category' can make it easy for users to navigate directly to the products that interest them.

By implementing a well-organised structure, strategic internal linking, and clear navigation menus, you'll create a Shopify store that not only appeals to users but also has a better chance of ranking higher in search results.

Content Optimisation on Shopify

Creating captivating content for your Shopify store is essential in driving traffic and increasing conversions. In this brief section, we'll cover some crucial aspects of optimising your product descriptions, content creation, and blog content in a casual tone.

Product Descriptions

When it comes to product descriptions, aim to highlight the features and benefits of your products using clear, concise language. To make your descriptions even more engaging, try adding bullet points or tables to showcase product specifications. Here's an example:

  • Material: 100% Organic Cotton
  • Colours: Navy, White, and Grey
  • Sizes: S, M, L, XL

This way, you offer your customers easy-to-read, bite-sized information that can help inform their purchasing decisions.

Content Creation

Next up is content creation. To optimise your Shopify content, ensure it is SEO-friendly by targeting keywords relevant to your niche and audience. Use a mix of long-tail and short-tail keywords to give your store the best chance of ranking well in search engine results. Always remember to use these keywords naturally within your content, as search engines frown upon keyword stuffing.

It's also essential to include captivating images to accompany your text. Be sure to add descriptive ALT tags to your images, as this optimises visual content for search engines and can aid in your store's discoverability.

Blog Content

Finally, let's talk about blog content. Regularly updating your Shopify blog can not only demonstrate your expertise in your niche but also improve your site's SEO. When creating blog content, remember to:

  1. Research and use popular, relevant keywords whilst avoiding keyword stuffing.
  2. Write engaging, informative articles that offer value to your target audience.
  3. Optimise images with descriptive ALT tags and keep file sizes small for improved page loading times.
  4. Use headings (H1, H2, H3, etc.) and bold or italic fonts for easy scannability.
  5. Incorporate internal and external links to boost your store's credibility.

By focusing on these content optimisation strategies for your Shopify store, you're well on your way towards increased organic traffic and improved SEO.

Avoiding Duplicate Content

Duplicate content can negatively impact your Shopify store's SEO performance, making it harder for potential customers to find your products. To ensure your online store ranks well in search engines, it's important to address and prevent duplicate content issues.

Firstly, you should be aware of duplicate product URLs. Shopify automatically generates product URLs based on collections, and this can result in multiple URLs pointing to the same product. To combat this issue, you can use canonical tags to tell search engines which URL is the main version to be indexed. For example, if you have two pages with similar content, you can add a canonical tag to indicate which one should be prioritised by search engines.

Another common issue is duplicate category pages in the pagination. When you have several pages in a collection, Shopify creates new URLs for each page, potentially leading to duplicate content. To fix this, make sure to include rel="next" and rel="prev" tags for paginated pages. This informs search engines that the pages are part of a series and should be treated collectively rather than as separate pages.

Moreover, be cautious of duplicate content created by Shopify tags. These tags can generate multiple URLs for the same product based on different filters, such as size or colour. A good practice is to use noindex tags for these filter-generated pages, telling search engines not to index them.

To keep your Shopify store's content unique, follow these steps:

  1. Regularly check for duplicate content using tools like Screaming Frog, Siteliner, or Copyscape.
  2. Use canonical tags to focus search engines on the main version of your content.
  3. Implement rel="next" and rel="prev" tags for paginated pages.
  4. Apply noindex tags for filter-generated pages to prevent indexing.

By taking these precautionary measures, you'll effectively reduce duplicate content issues and improve your Shopify store's SEO performance. With a casual approach and clear communication, addressing duplicate content can become a routine part of maintaining your online store's success.

How Search Engines See Your Shopify Store

Imagine you've just launched your Shopify store, and you want potential customers to find it on search engines like Google and Bing. To help with that, it's crucial to understand how search engines see and interact with your online shop.

First, let's talk about the process called crawling. In simple terms, crawling is when search engines send out automated bots (also known as web spiders or crawlers) to explore your website. These bots examine the content and structure of your site, gathering data that will later be indexed.

So, how do you ensure your Shopify store gets crawled? Well, you're in luck! Shopify has built-in SEO features that make your online store search engine friendly, such as:

  • Automatic sitemaps and XML sitemaps
  • The ability to edit your store's URL structure
  • URL optimisation
  • Meta tags support
  • Canonical tags
  • SSL certification

Now that you know how search engines crawl your site let's look at how they index it. Indexing is the process of storing and organising the information collected during crawling for later use. That's how Google and Bing determine what to display in their search results when someone looks for a product like yours.

To make it easier for search engines to index your store, you can:

  1. Use relevant keywords in your product titles, descriptions, and URLs
  2. Add descriptive, unique alt text for your images
  3. Submit your sitemap to Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools
  4. Make sure your site structure is optimised, making it easier for bots to navigate

In conclusion, understanding how search engines like Google and Bing crawl and index your Shopify store is vital to improving your SEO and increasing the organic traffic to your online shop. By following best practices and optimising your site, you'll be well on your way to better visibility in search results.

Advanced Technical SEO for Shopify

As a Shopify store owner, it's important to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to SEO strategies. In this section, we'll explore advanced technical SEO techniques to improve your site's visibility, speed, and performance, all while maintaining a casual tone.

First, let's talk about site speed. Improving your store's load times can significantly impact user experience and even search engine ranking. Some ways to optimise your site speed are:

  • Compressing and optimising images
  • Using browser caching
  • Minimising the use of apps and plugins
  • Leveraging a Content Delivery Network (CDN) like Shopify's built-in CDN

Now, let's discuss page speed. Ensuring fast-loading pages within your site can greatly improve user experience and bounce rate. Some techniques to boost page speed include:

  • Implementing lazy loading for images
  • Using Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) to enhance mobile browsing
  • Minimising redirects
  • Deferring JavaScript loading

Next up: technical SEO for e-commerce. This refers to SEO best practices specific to online stores, and is crucial for your store's discoverability and organic traffic. Key aspects to consider:

  • Creating unique and informative product pages
  • Implementing schema markup for products, reviews, and ratings
  • Ensuring your site is mobile-friendly and responsive
  • Properly organising your store's URLs for search engines

Finally, remember to keep an eye on the performance metrics that matter for your Shopify store. Monitoring metrics such as organic traffic, impressions, click-through rate (CTR), and conversion rate can help you refine your SEO and overall marketing strategy.

Using these advanced technical SEO techniques will not only increase your store's visibility but also lead to a smoother shopping experience for your customers. Keep experimenting and stay informed, and you'll be on your way to success with Shopify SEO.

Shopify SEO Tools and Resources

When it comes to optimising your Shopify store, there's a wide array of tools and resources available to help you improve your search engine rankings. In this section, we'll briefly discuss some of the most popular and effective tools that you can use.

Google Analytics is an essential tool for any online business, as it allows you to track your website's performance and identify areas for improvement. By integrating Google Analytics with your Shopify store, you'll gain valuable insights about your customers' behaviour, traffic sources, and conversion rates.

Google Search Console is another crucial resource for your Shopify store's SEO. This free tool allows you to monitor your site's performance in Google search results, identify issues and opportunities for improvement, and submit your sitemap for faster indexing.

Don't forget about Bing Webmaster Tools as well! Just like Google Search Console, this platform lets you monitor your Shopify store's performance in Bing search results. By using both, you can maximise your visibility across different search engines.

When it comes to keyword research and competitor analysis, you can rely on tools like Ahrefs and Ubersuggest. Ahrefs is a comprehensive SEO toolkit that offers keyword research, backlink analysis, content analysis, and much more. On the other hand, Ubersuggest is a free tool developed by Neil Patel, providing you with keyword ideas, suggestions for site improvements, and insights about your competitors.

Here's a quick summary of the tools we've discussed:

ToolPrimary UseGoogle AnalyticsWebsite performance tracking and analysisGoogle Search ConsoleMonitoring and improving search engine rankingBing Webmaster ToolsMonitoring and improving search engine rankingAhrefsKeyword research, backlink analysis, and moreUbersuggestKeyword research, competitor analysis

By using these tools and resources, you'll be well-equipped to optimise your Shopify store's SEO, attract more organic traffic, and ultimately, grow your online business. Good luck!

Improving User Experience on Shopify

Focusing on user experience (UX) is crucial for the success of your Shopify store. A seamless UX not only keeps your visitors engaged but also helps improve your search engine rankings. Here are some simple yet effective tips to enhance the UX of your Shopify store.

Firstly, make your site responsive. With more and more people using mobile devices for shopping, it's essential that your store is accessible and visually appealing on all devices. To do this, ensure that your theme is mobile-friendly or choose one of the responsive themes available on Shopify.

Next up, improve your store's navigation. An intuitive navigation menu makes it easy for visitors to find what they're looking for. Organise your products into logical categories, and avoid cluttering your header with too many menu items. Pro tip: Use dropdowns for subcategories!

Now, let's talk about page load times. No one enjoys waiting for a slow site to load, and search engines take this into account too. To speed up your Shopify store, compress images without sacrificing quality, and consider using a Content Delivery Network (CDN).

In addition, focus on the quality of your content. Create engaging, well-written product descriptions, and invest in high-quality images. A polished and informative store is more likely to keep your visitors engaged and coming back for more.

Lastly, don't forget about feedback. Encourage your customers to leave reviews and always be open to suggestions. Regularly reassess your site's UX based on your visitors' input to make continuous improvements.

By implementing these tips, you'll be well on your way to creating an exceptional user experience for your Shopify store visitors. A better UX not only keeps your customers happy but also helps boost your SEO efforts. So go ahead and give your store the attention it deserves!

Increasing Organic Traffic and Sales

As a Shopify store owner, increasing organic traffic and sales is crucial for your business' success. Here are some proven strategies that can help you achieve this goal.

1. Optimize your store for search engines: Start by focusing on the essential aspects of SEO, such as using relevant keywords, optimizing your product titles and descriptions, and adding alt tags to images. Remember to use natural language that appeals to customers whilst also incorporating key search phrases.

2. Utilise informative and engaging content: High-quality blog posts and articles can captivate your audience, keeping them interested in what you have to offer. Be sure to use relevant keywords within the content to improve your rankings in search engine results.

3. Improve site speed and user experience: Make sure your Shopify store loads quickly and provides seamless navigation. A slow-loading site can deter potential customers, impacting your sales and organic traffic.

Here are some tips for enhancing your site's performance:

  • Compress your images
  • Minify CSS, JavaScript, and HTML
  • Use a content delivery network (CDN)
  • Enable browser caching

4. Build Backlinks: Receiving links from authoritative websites can significantly improve your SEO. Reach out to industry influencers, create shareable content, and engage in relevant niche forums or communities. Be mindful of quality over quantity.

5. Utilise social media platforms: Harness the power of social media by sharing valuable content, attractive offers and engaging with the community. You can also collaborate with influencers to promote your products to their audience, potentially driving more organic traffic.

6. Implement schema markup: Use structured data to help search engines understand your website better, which can lead to rich snippets in search results and increase click-through rates.

7. Analyse and monitor your progress: Regularly review your organic traffic, sales, and revenue data to evaluate the effectiveness of your strategies. Use analytics tools like Google Analytics, Shopify's built-in reporting, and dedicated SEO apps to gain insights and make adjustments as necessary.

By consistently working on these tactics, you'll be on your way to increasing organic traffic and sales for your Shopify store.


As you've seen throughout this article, getting the best results with SEO for your Shopify store isn't rocket science, but it does require some effort and strategic planning. By focusing on the main aspects such as URL structure, meta tags, SSL certification, and high-quality content, you can really elevate the online presence of your store.

Shopify's built-in SEO features significantly streamline the process, making it easier for you to optimise your store and make it more visible to search engines. Don't forget to take advantage of these nifty tools such as automatic sitemaps and canonical tags when you're setting up or tweaking your online shop.

To stay ahead of the game, consider investing in some top-of-the-range SEO tools like Yoast SEO for Shopify. Using these tools can take your store's SEO to new heights and help you outperform your competitors, ultimately bringing in more organic traffic and potential customers.

Finally, always remember that SEO is an ongoing process, and you'll need to stay updated with new developments. Keep tweaking your strategies and content to meet your KPIs and customers' changing needs. Your hard work will pay off, and you'll see improved visibility, increased traffic, and, most importantly, more sales in your Shopify store.

So, there you have it! Armed with this knowledge and the information from the resources provided, you're now ready to hit the ground running and create a successful, SEO-friendly Shopify store. Good luck!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I improve my Shopify store's SEO?

To improve your Shopify store's SEO, start by ensuring your site structure is optimised for search engines. Create a logical internal linking strategy by organising menus and linking related pages. Add relevant keywords to your content, product descriptions, and metadata. Submit your sitemap to search engines, and regularly update your content to keep it fresh and relevant.

What are the top Shopify SEO apps?

There are several apps available for improving Shopify SEO. Some popular options include:

  1. Plug in SEO - optimises pages, headings, and metadata automatically.
  2. SEO Booster - automatically identifies and fixes SEO issues.
  3. SEO Manager - provides real-time feedback and recommendations to boost SEO performance.

Remember, it's always a good idea to read user reviews and choose the app that best suits your needs and budget.

Are there any recommended Shopify SEO courses?

There's an abundance of resources available for learning SEO. A few popular Shopify SEO courses include:

  1. Shopify's own SEO tutorial available in their Help Center.
  2. Moz's Beginner's Guide to SEO.
  3. Search Engine Land's SEO guide.

Always look for up-to-date information, as SEO practices continually evolve.

What's included in a Shopify SEO checklist for 2024?

A 2024 Shopify SEO checklist might include:

  1. Site structure optimisation.
  2. Keyword research and implementation.
  3. Meta tags, headers, and title tags optimisation.
  4. High-quality, unique, and engaging content creation.
  5. Regular content updates.
  6. Mobile device optimisation.
  7. Internal and external link building.
  8. Sitemap submission to search engines.
  9. Image optimisation and alt text.
  10. Monitoring SEO performance and making necessary adjustments.

Remember that SEO practices evolve and it's essential to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and recommendations.

How important is blogging for Shopify SEO?

Blogging can be a valuable asset for your Shopify store's SEO. Consistently publishing high-quality, engaging, and informative blog posts can increase your store's visibility on search engines. Blogging allows you to target relevant keywords and demonstrate your knowledge and expertise to customers. Additionally, it creates an opportunity for other websites to link to your content, improving your website's "authority" and boosting its ranking on search engine results pages.

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What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

Static and dynamic content editing

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Michael Costin
Michael is the co-founder at Local Digital. He has a decade of experience in the digital marketing space, and is a big enough nerd that he's well practised in all the common digital marketing channels, from SEO to copywriting, paid social to analytics and tracking.

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